CONIX Research Center, 2021
Python, C, Cython, MQTT
ARENA-robot is an under-construction framework for Python- and MQTT-based robots. ARENA-robot focuses on providing a simple to use, scalable, distributed computing robotics platform. ARENA-robot is designed to run within the Augmented Reality Edge Network Architecture (ARENA) or as a standalone platform for educational and other uses. The framework consists of many microservices communicating via MQTT. Services will include sensing, actuation, localization, video and particle streaming, navigation, and robot control.
I have produced the device authentication structure for the ARENA and Python bindings for the STMicroelectronics VL53L5CX 8x8 laser ranging sensor. I am currently working on the microservice architecture and instrumentation. The framework will run on the Raspberry Pi 4 compute-equipped drone shown here.